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Retail Money Funds

June 9, 2021
Uploaded through Retail - Category: Data Files » Structured Data » Labeled Data - Tags: #retail  #money  #retail_dataset  #retail_funds  0 143 0


More details about each file are in the individual file descriptions.


This is a dataset from the Federal Reserve hosted by the Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED). FRED has a data platform found here and they update their information according to the frequency that the data updates. Explore the Federal Reserve using Kaggle and all of the data sources available through the Federal Reserve organization page!

  • Update Frequency: This dataset is updated daily.


This dataset is maintained using FRED's API and Kaggle's API.

Cover photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
Unsplash Images are distributed under a unique Unsplash License.

  • License Type Open Data Commons
  • Data Original Source Attribution