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Daily Electricity Price and Demand Data

July 1, 2021


As of 2020, 6.7 million people reside in Victoria, Australia's second most populated state. Most of them, 5 million, live or work in Melbourne, state's capital. During 2020 Australia was among the first to close international borders, followed by a closure of interstate borders. Victoria introduced some of the strictest pandemic-related restrictions on business activity that resulted in a significant portion of its population working from home.


The dataset covers 2016 days between 1 January 2015 and 6 October 2020. During some intraday intervals RRP was negative, so that energy producers were paying consumers rather than wise versa. Below is a brief description fo the data:

  • date : datetime, the date of the recording
  • demand : float, a total daily electricity demand in MWh
  • RRP : float, a recommended retail price in AUD$ / MWh
  • demand_pos_RRP : float, a total daily demand at positive RRP in MWh
  • RRP_positive : float, an averaged positive RRP, weighted by the corresponding intraday demand in AUD$ / MWh
  • demand_neg_RRP : float, an total daily demand at negative RRP in MWh
  • RRP_negative : float, an average negative RRP, weighted by the corresponding intraday demand in AUD$ / MWh
  • frac_at_neg_RRP : float, a fraction of the day when the demand was traded at negative RRP
  • min_temperature : float, minimum temperature during the day in Celsius
  • max_temperature : float, maximum temperature during the day in Celsius
  • solar_exposure : float, total daily sunlight energy in MJ/m^2
  • rainfall : float, daily rainfall in mm
  • school_day : boolean, if students were at school on that day
  • holiday : boolean, if the day was a state or national holiday
  • License Type Open Data Commons
  • Data Original Source Attribution