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Journal of Retail Analytics

July 1, 2021
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Plan to attend the Retail Analytics Council Executive Development Program on September 8, 2017, in Evanston, Illinois.

The third annual RAC Executive Development Program will highlight cutting-edge research from an international panel of leading retail executives and researchers, with a focus on developing retailing intelligence for today’s dynamic retailing environment.

The Executive Development Program format involves presentations of research case studies and discussions around emerging areas of interest, with an emphasis placed on attendee interaction. The following is the current research agenda:

GameStop Bonding Research: A study of the relationship between online behavior and in-store purchases. Macy’s RFID Research: A study of the benefits achieved from RFID technology.

Japan Mall Push Marketing Research: A study of the impact of push marketing in mall environments.

Robotics in Retail: A discussion about the future of robots in retail.

How Retail Supply Chain Management Must Adapt: A survey of how omni-channel programs are impacting the retail supply chain. Plus others to be announced soon.