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Turnover Intention in Retail Industry in Turkey

August 11, 2021
Uploaded through Retail - Category: Data Files » Structured Data » Labeled Data - Tags: #retail  #retail_industry  #retail_innovation  0 118 0


The data has been collected in Turkey in 2019 via an online form. It is aimed to examine the turnover intention scores of people working in retail industry.
Demographic Questions and Turnover Intention Scale is used to collect data. Turnover Intention Scale items are T1, T2, T3 and T4. Codes reflecting the categories of demographic questions are as below.
S1-Gender: 1-Female, 2-Male; S2-Martial Status: 1-Single, 2-Married; S3-Education: 1-Primary, 2-High School, 3-Associate, 4-Bachelor; S4-Position: 1-Store Staff, 2-Office Staff, 3-Manager; S5-Working Style: 1-Part Time, 2-Full Time 9-6, 3-Full Time After 6, 4-Full Time Before 6


Turnover Intention Scale is existed of the items below.
T1: If I had the opportunity, I would quit my job.
T2: I have been thinking about quitting my job more often recently.
T3. I am actively looking for a new job.
T4. I am thinking of quitting my job.

  • License Type Open Data Commons
  • Data Original Source Attribution