Retail's Documents

  • July 2, 2021
    Uploaded through Retail Category: Data Files 0 109 0
    This dataset can be used to understand what are the various marketing strategy based on consumer behaviour that can be adopted to increase customer retention of a retail store. An online tea retail store which sells tea of different flavors across v..
  • July 2, 2021
    Uploaded through Retail Category: Data Files 0 195 0
    Context This dataset has been created for an example of implementing predictive modeling in a dashboard. Content The online.csv file contains actual order data manually imported from the Google Store public access Google Analytics. This data can't..
  • July 1, 2021
    Uploaded through Retail Category: Data Science E-Books 0 163 0
    Plan to attend the Retail Analytics Council Executive Development Program on September 8, 2017, in Evanston, Illinois. The third annual RAC Executive Development Program will highlight cutting-edge research from an international panel of leading reta..
  • July 1, 2021
    Uploaded through Retail Category: Data Files 0 109 0
    Context The problem that the retail industry often encounters in customer operations is that consumers often make only one purchase, and it is difficult to convert them into closely-connected loyal members. Therefore, it is hoped that consumers' wil..
  • July 1, 2021
    Uploaded through Retail Category: Data Files 0 106 0
    Content As of 2020, 6.7 million people reside in Victoria, Australia's second most populated state. Most of them, 5 million, live or work in Melbourne, state's capital. During 2020 Australia was among the first to close international borders, follow..
  • July 1, 2021
    Uploaded through Retail Category: Data Files 0 151 0
    Content More details about each file are in the individual file descriptions. Context This is a dataset from the U.S. Census Bureau hosted by the Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED). FRED has a data platform found here and they update their i..
  • June 29, 2021
    Uploaded through Retail Category: Others 0 145 0
    The word “Innovative Disruption”, to quote from Mr. Clayton Christensen, the Author of “Innovator’s Dilemma”, refers to an organization or entrepreneur anticipating Customer’s needs, passionately falling in love with Customer and creating a market wh..
  • June 29, 2021
    Uploaded through Retail Category: Data Files 0 148 0
    This is a transaction data set of a UK e-commerce retail website, which contains all transactions of online retail in the first half of 2017. This website mainly sells food daily necessities and electrical appliances etc . ..
  • June 29, 2021
    Uploaded through Retail Category: Data Files 0 150 0
    Context Raw data of real analytical use cases in a number of industries and companies is frequently provided in an Excel-based form. These files usually cannot be processed directly in machine learning models, but must first be cleaned and preproces..
  • It was a prominent belief among people that good marketing is an art, but of late, a scientific element has been introduced to marketing campaigns by the big data. Marketers are relying on data to test, devise, and inform strategies than ever before...